The puppies are now 4 weeks old and had another exciting weekend! They are now weighing anywhere from about 3 1/2 lb to around 4 1/2 lb. This weekend the puppies starting eating some of their meals outside - they are learning to do their business outside as well with many of them already venturing out from the patio to the gravel in the dog run. They have learned from Mama Bella about drinking water and enjoy playing with their toys outside along with chewing and climbing on the Mountain Laurel tree. Another change they just love is the puppy pen has been set up in the dining area just by the door out to the dog run. It gives them a lot of room to play or snooze - and is ideal when visitors come to see the puppies. They still go to the puppy room to sleep in the puppy condo at this time. They now have all kinds of fun places to go and hang out.
Our big excitement on Sunday was that they learned they could squeeze between the gate and fence post to the fence that divides the dog run and the big backyard. Once one pup "escaped" the others weren't far behind. Puppies were quickly retrieved after much excitement from the puppies, visitors, and Bella and Kolt (who were in the yard and didn't expect to be babysitting at that moment!). They are now contained in the dog run and I plan to introduce them to the big backyard (as well as the sport climber) for real next weekend!
Here are some photos from the weekend!
The girls play with the big soft toys!
Here are the puppies chowing down outside for the first time. Play time afterwards!
The puppies LOVE the puppy pen set up - tons of room even for EIGHT puppies!
Pink Girl seems constantly drawn to the Pink Pig!
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